Eagle Force, like other toy lines, had their fair share of variations. Carded Eagle Force figures are scare, and collecting all the variations would be a task. Below I've outlined the boxed and carded US variations that I'm aware of.

Eagle Force figures came on a card with either a SILVER logo or a rarer GOLD logo. RIOT figures came on a card with Eagle Force vs. RIOT side by side (SS) or Eagle Force on top of RIOT (TB). Adventure Packs I believe just came in Silver logo. Vehicle Boxes came in both Silver and Gold logo style.

To throw another variation in the mix, there are also 2 different blister bubbles. First one is retangle and has a slot for the figure and one for the weapon. The second as a bubble in the shape of a Bomb. To my knowledge, GOLD logo and SS Riot figures came only in rectangular bubbles. Silver logo cards came with both Bomb and Rectangular shaped bubbles. TB Riot cards came with Bomb bubbles.

Silver Logo
Rectangle Bubble


Gold Logo
Rectangle Bubble


Silver Logo
Bomb Bubble


Rectangle Bubble


BOMB Bubble


Silver and Gold
Vehicle Boxes

Silver Log
Adventure Box


Silver and Gold
Foreign Vehicle Boxes

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