Code Name: B.A.T.S.


Cobra BAT was one of the kewlest G.I.Joe figures made. Who wouldn't want a robot with interchangeable hands? Elvis from the Freaks board made his great looking BAT, so I knew I had to as well.

The helmet was made by Elvis and put on a head with features sanded off. Body is a standard Hot Toys True Type with the shoulders bulked, legs lengthened half a inch. The forearms were covered with thin layer of epoxy sculpt and made to look like a robot. The left arm and attachments are held in place using magnets. The computer chest is cut from a Sidekick motherboard, the edge is epoxy sculpt with a clear plastic window. Gloves are 12" Dare Devil. Boots, I don't know, added epoxy sculpt things to them. Belts, web gear and sidearm are from Sideshow Cobra Trooper. Grenades are DiD. Leg control and belt, I don't know. Machine gun is from Popsalute T3 T-850. Laser from 2000 Trapjaw. Claw is all custom made from styrene plastic and is articulated. Backpack is made from plastic sheet and covered in black vinyl and cobra decals cut by me. It has a metal sheet so the attachments stay in place.


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