First off, I'm no expert on this toy line. I remember them from my childhood and came across a few carded ones at a toy show a few years ago. I don't have them all, and to my knowledge there is only one other Eagle Force site. So anyone with any information on this line, please email me and if you have any of the items I'm missing, email me a picture or snail mail it to me or better yet, sell em to me!!! Many thanx to Eddie Zimlarog who helped me with what I know so far and for providing some loose pics of the ones I don't own. |
Eagle Force was released by Mego in 1981 & 82 and was one of the last lines produced by them. It was an excellent line of die-cast figures and accessories. Each figure was a little more than 2 inches tall and came with a small weapon. There are variations to look for as well. The figures generally are not hard to find loose, but are often chipped pretty badly. Goldie Hawk, Harley, Zapper and Kayo are the most common ones I find both carded and loose. The second year figures seem to be a bit scarcer. It's also good to note that GI Joe may have pulled a few ideas from Eagle Force There is a character named Wild Bill, a ninja, a bare-footed karate guy, and a Nazi-like enemy force. * - Updated |
This page was last updated 12/09/2003