June 9, 2008

Fixed a few broken links on the Music page. Keep checking the site for some great  upcoming news. So enjoy and keep headbangin'.

April 1, 2008

As you can see, the layout of the site has been updated to give the pages a unified look and easy navigation to all areas. Uploaded a few songs from one of our 1997 Rehearsals, probably the closest thing we have to a "live" performance. Even with mistakes, we enjoy listening to these versions. Also some ruff run throughs of "The Darkest Night", "Devil's Cure-All" and "Calm Before The Storm" are up as well. They feature various members playing and have many screw ups, but give good idea of the songs. More updates will be coming, so enjoy and keep headbangin'.

March 22, 2008

More of the history pages were refined and finally, the missing 1999, 2000 and updated 2001 pages are now online with pictures. More updates will be coming, so enjoy and keep headbangin'.

March 16, 2008

Some more work was done. A new layout is in progress like the homepage, and demo listings are laid out better with more into and Misfit Covers added. The History pages being refreshed as well. We just felt they were dated and contained too much drama, so they are worth reading again. More updates will be coming, so enjoy and keep headbangin'.

March 2, 2008

Holy shit, an update!!!!!!!!!!! Well, me (Shawn) and Patrick decided to get off our ass and update the site a bit. Look over and see what needs to be added and changed. We will also be updating the pictures to larger ones since these were made when 56k modems were the shit. Done so far are all the broken links on the Music page, so you can now download the demo versions of our songs. We also added our cover of the Misfits Vampira that was only on promotional copies of THB and also a running idea for Calm Before the Storm that Patrick threw together. In the coming weeks we will be putting up remasters of The Silver Key demo to make them sound a little better and we will also have some practice sessions of a few of the songs and maybe some early fragments of others. So enjoy and keep headbangin'.

June 1, 2001

Yea a update, well it's a good one. Added new full length versions of Kadath's Demos. Will also be offering CD's for 5 bucks to those that wanted them. Also will be revamping the site a bit in the next month or so.

December 8, 2000

Damn, another long time since a update. Oh well, not really much to do without a drummer. Anyone play the drums? Good?

Kadath's The Hell Beyond Demo has been reviewed, check it out: Erik's Album Review's.

September 5, 2000

Man, been a while since the last update, but this one is a goodie. Replaced Kadath's The Hell Beyond Demo's with full, uncut MP3 versions instead of the shortened .wav files. They'll take longer to download, but worth it.

March 30, 2000

1998 History page is up and running, check it out. And remember, keep headbangin'.

January 25, 2000

Finally got off our asses and put up the 1997 History page. So enjoy and keep headbangin'.

November 23, 1999

Got the 1996 History page up and running with text and pics. So enjoy and keep headbangin'.

October 12, 1999

Finally got time to get most of the areas up and running. The Dominion has a new look everywhere. Added pics to the History page. Added the much demanded Demo Clips. Added a links page so everyone can check out our own personal webpages, and other webpages we think kick some ass. So enjoy and keep headbangin'.


Copyright 2008 Kadath all rights reserved